Conference Programme

9.00 – 9:45 Registration & Welcoming coffee

9:45 – 10.15 Opening remarks by
• Andrej Motyl, Ambassador of Switzerland to Poland
• Anna Streżyńska, Minister for Digital Affairs
• Aleksander Bobko, State Secretary, Ministry of Science and Higher Education
• Grzegorz Kunikowski, vice-dean of Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology
• Marek Szymański, President of Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

10:15 – 10:45 Keynote
Mapping the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, Diplo Foundation, Head of the Geneva Internet Platform

10.45 -11:45 Policy dialogue
How to join the leading digital economies?

• Polish and Swiss governmental approaches with moderated discussion panel:
– Magdalena Borowik, Advisor to the Minister for Digital Affairs
– Christian Wenger, President of Digital Switzerland
– Aleksander Kutela, CEO Grupa Onet
– Robert Firmhofer, Director of Copernikus Science Center
– Joanna Konopko, young academic representative and start-up entrepreneur

Moderation: Roman Młodkowski

• Short introduction to the Workshops

11:45 – 12:15 Coffee break

12.15 – 13:30 Shaping the digital ecosystem: strategic responses
Workshops – inspiring insights from business
ABB Future of human-machine interfaces and related business models (Przemysław Zakrzewski Country Chief Information Officer ABB and experts)
Nestlé Polska Drive Digital Transformation for Building of Powerful Nestlé Brands (Zbigniew Skarżyński Head of Brand Communication

Discussion – inspiring insights from academia
Academia and education as key factors in the digital ecosystem
• Relationship between technical change and academic teaching
• Role of academia in digital capacity building of the society
• Digital exclusion as a risk for society and politics

– Agnieszka Skala, Co-founder and CEO of Innovation Nest Entrepreneurship School (SPIN)
– Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, Diplo Foundation, Head of the Geneva Internet Platform
– Tomasz Trzciński, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Moderation: Bartosz Sawulski, MCI CAPITAL S.A.

13:30 – 13:45 Wrapping up session and concluding remarks

13:45 – 14:30 Networking lunch


Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management CZliTT

 Rektorska 4, Warszawa
The nearest public transport:
Metro station “Politechnika”